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» Software » X-Cart Classic » System Messages for X-Cart Classic

System Messages for X-Cart Classic


System Messages module replaces the default system X-Cart Classic messages with nice, clean and easy to see popup. Customers will no longer be confused about what just happened or by the fact they didn't have enough time to read the message store is showing them. The messages are shown in a clear way in the middle of the browser area. You may be losing sales because of the fact your customers can't read and respond to the cart messages in a timely manner.

System Messages for X-Cart Classic Features

  • Includes nice "product added to cart" popup for earlier X-Cart Classic versions which do not have this built-in module.
  • Displays system messages anywhere in the cart including on Fast Lane Checkout and One Page Checkout pages.
  • For newer X-Cart Classic versions - 4.5.x or newer - uses the built-in jQuery UI for the popup to keep it consistent with the rest of the store.
  • Messages popup in the middle of the browser window so there is no way customers can miss them.

Additional Information

  • Compatible with X-Cart 4.4.x or newer.

Customer Reviews

  • Nice!! Excellent customer service.
    Posted Feb 14, 2013 by
  • Great mod so much better than the standard x-cart one, works great on v4.4.4
    Thanks Steve
    Posted Nov 12, 2011 by
    Dean Ellett

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